July 15, 2012

Welcome To My Blog!

Almost 5 years ago, I purchased a 1918 Craftsman Airplane Bungalow in the heart of downtown Oldsmar, Florida. It is one of only six houses first ever built by R.E. Olds Farms Company that is still standing today. R.E. Olds Farms Company was developed by Ransom Eli Olds, the inventor of the Oldsmobile and REO Town Car. Purchasing this house changed my life forever. Not only did it teach me patience and acceptance, it ignited a passion within me for community development and historical preservation. For the past nine months I have been working on creating a nomination for a historic district within the city of Oldsmar. I decided what better way to share this process with my friends, family and followers than by creating my own blog. As I continue on this path to preservation I will share my discoveries along the way with you. I named my blog The Oldsmar Renaissance because a renaissance is in essence a revitalization, which is what I hope to do for the beautiful and historical city of Oldsmar. Enjoy!